The CINDERELLA project intends to test and validate the implementation of an AI-based tool for a safer and evidence-based clinical decision for patients proposed for locoregional treatment, making it easily applied in clinical practice anywhere in the world. A better prediction of aesthetic outcomes of the different breast surgical approaches can improve patient satisfaction and quality of life, reduce anxiety and depression levels, as well as potential revisional surgeries.
About Us
The Problem
A woman with breast cancer who’s just had a mastectomy might be very satisfied with her image in the mirror even with a huge scar across half of her breast. If this surgery was her only option, her main concern is to be rid of the disease. On the other hand, a woman who has been submitted to a more conservative and reconstructive surgery might find her new look highly unsatisfactory, despite the aesthetic results of the surgery being flawless. Every time she looks at herself in the mirror, she hates what she sees, adding more distress to the one already associated with the disease itself. This may seem paradoxical, but there actually are cases like these.
The Project
The use of the CINDERELLA APProach, by allowing patients to visualize photographs of “similar” patients submitted to the same treatment through an Artificial Intelligence tool can optimize the match of expectations the patient has before and after treatment and the satisfaction with actual results of breast cancer patients proposed for locoregional treatment.
The Future
The CINDERELLA Project is posed to receive five million euros from the European Commission during the next four years, to ensure that the aesthetic evaluation of the results of breast cancer surgeries will no longer be as subjective or unrealistic as the two referred above.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389