
Cinderella is looking to constitute an Advisory Board

Cinderella is looking to constitute an Advisory Board

What is the Cinderella Advisory Board (CAB):

  • The Advisory board is an external structured and collaborative group that was created to support the leadership board with subjects related to the technical/scientific expertise regarding the domains discussed on the project. It will additionally help us with some ethical advisory functions.


  • This group is composed of expert representatives from national or international recognised organisations or sitting in their individual capacity. It constitutes a body formed by strategic advisors with deep experience on the domains of the project. The role of this group within Cinderella is to support, with high-quality advice to the coordination/direction of the project, provide, when required, operational guidance and follow up the project development and effectiveness of their actions towards the proposed goals.


  • The advisory board may be called to provide ethical advice. If an overall appreciation of ethical and data processing issues may be required, such it will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, involving a subgroup of experts or all the board under discretion of the coordinator.

How will the CAB work?

  • The advisory board group will meet at least twice a year by electronic means (Teams/Zoom meetings). This group has no voting rights on the project.


  • A CAB facilitator (to liaison with the project coordinator) may be indicated. His or her role is to increase/facilitate interactions and the usefulness of the structure.


  • The advisory board will involve between 11 and 13 organisations and individuals to be invited.

Why and how can you engage and be part of the Board?

  • You will benefit from updated information on this EU-funded impactful project in oncology. You will discuss with great minds and gain the opportunity of influencing this project increasing its visibility and impact while enlarging your network.


  • Please feel free to apply until 10th November by sending an email to with your name (full name, email and social media profile (e.g. LinkedIN or personal webpage) or a CV, or the name of the organization you would be representing. Please indicate if you would like to be in the CAB on an individual capacity or as a representative of an organization. Finally, having explored our website and our project purpose give us a one-line sentence for why you think you/your organization would be adequate for the CAB.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389