INESC TEC (ITEC) is a private, non-profit association dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre- incubation of new technology-based companies. The University of Porto, INESC, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, the University of Minho and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro are INESC TEC’s associates (UM and UTAD since February 2019). Presently, ITEC’s main sites are located in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real. ITEC’s 13 R&D Centres hosted around 750 integrated researchers (350 PhD), including staff researchers, researchers from Higher Education Institutions, grant holders and affiliated researchers. ITEC’s team also includes trainees and technical and administrative support staff. ITEC is working in the interface between the academic world and the industrial and service companies, as well as the public administration, the activity at ITEC runs under the paradigm of the knowledge to value production chain: Knowledge and results generated at basic research are typically injected in technology transfer projects and therefore they receive added social relevance. ITEC has exhibited a strong activity in the area of technologies for health care in the last 5 years, including 500+ publications, 100+ researchers involved, 13 patents and software registrations, and 3 incubated spin-offs. Cancer is the main area of application, followed by disease screening and neuroengineering. Key technical competences for these activities include AI, biomedical instrumentation, and health information systems. ITEC will be leading WP3 and will participate in dissemination activities and contribute to the other WPs as a team member. Jaime Cardoso is the co-leader of the Breast Research Group at ITEC with Maria Joao Cardoso from CF. Their cooperation dates from 2007 and has produced the BCCT.core software. Many other projects are coshared between the two institutions. Helder Oliveira was one of the first PhDs under the umbrella of the Breast Research Group and is now a very active and productive member of the team.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389