
The Champalimaud Foundation introduces the Cinderella Project

On 25 of May 2022 the Champalimaud Foundation released a news piece about the Cinderella Project.


With a news piece entitled “Projecto Cinderella: O direito de olhar no espelho e de gostar do que se vê”,
Ana Gerschenfeld, Health & Science Writer da Fundação Champalimaud, divulgues the Cinderella Project goals and projects.


“A project aimed at optimizing, in a personalized way, the prediction of the results of reconstructive surgeries in patients with breast cancer – in order to improve these women’s satisfaction in relation to their body image after surgery -, will receive five million euros from the Horizon Health Program 2021 of the European Commission. The funding of this multicentric and international effort, coordinated by the Champalimaud Foundation Breast Unit, in Lisbon, was formalized this week (May 23rd) with the signing of an agreement between the Champalimaud Foundation and the European Commission. The funds will be made available over the four-year duration of the project, which will officially start on the 1st of June.”


Click >>HERE<< to read the full news piece (in portuguese language).

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389