
The consortium consists of a diverse yet balanced partnership: 5 clinical centres of reference for Breast Cancer treatment with many years of experience in Breast Cancer treatment and important relevant research experience centre (CF, UKHD, OSR, SHEBA, GUMed); 3 research institutions (ITEC, UB, FC.ID and CIENCIAS affiliated institution), and 1 SME (CKD). The consortium has a solid skillset in research and innovation activities, in project and financial management, and in project communication, dissemination and exploitation. Partners have a strong complementarity in terms of their expertise in medicine and oncology, engineering and computer science, and a sound track-record in R&D, clinical research, and commercial exploration. Only together and in synergy will they be able to address the challenges of the multiple research and innovation aspects of the CINDERELLA project and successfully implement the knowledge gained. All participants have been carefully selected on the basis of their specific competence, track record, potential contribution to the project objectives, and complementarity, without compromising the rigorous criteria of quality and scientific excellence.

Clinical Partners

Technological Partners

Academic Partners

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389