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Webinar Topic: Cinderella App – A digital health tool to improve the patient journey in early breast cancer


Moderators (introduction – 5 minutes)

André Pfob (Breast Center Heidelberg, Hospital Sankt Elisabeth and Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany)

Baiju Rahman (CANKADO GmbH, Germany)

Speakers (each talk – 10 minutes)

• Miguel Romariz (INESC TEC, Portugal): Deployment of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for the Clinical Routine – The CINDERELLA Case Study

• Timo Schinköthe (CANKADO GmbH, Germany): How to implement AI applications in routine medical care?

• Henrique Martins (Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal): To use or not to use AI in breast cancer – can ethics help?

Panel discussion (50 minutes)

• Helena Montenegro (INESC TEC, Portugal)

• Henrique Martins (Champalimaud Foundation, Portugal)

• Miguel Romariz (INESC TEC, Portugal)

• Timo Schinköthe (CANKADO GmbH, Germany)

Moderators (closing remarks – 5 minutes)

André Pfob (Breast Center Heidelberg, Hospital Sankt Elisabeth and Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany)

Baiju Rahman (CANKADO GmbH, Germany)

Past Webinars

Webinar Topic: Patient engagement and shared-decision making in breast cancer


Moderator: Oriana Ciani – Introduction – 5 minutes

Live talks – 10 minutes each:

• Marzia Zambon: What does patient engagement in breast cancer mean in 2024?

• Dr Miriam Knoll: Supporting patients making tough decisions through shared decision-making and use of decision aids in oncology

• Dr Pawel Kabata: The CINDERELLA approach to improve shared-decision making for women undergoing locoregional treatment for breast cancer

Round Table discussion + Q/A from the chat – 15 minutes

Closing remarks – Moderator: Oriana CIANI – 5 minutes

Webinar Topic: Aesthetic outcomes after breast cancer surgery
Total webinar time: 1.30h
Moderator: Gentilini Oreste – 5 minutes introduction
Live Talks*:

• Isabel Rubio: Different surgeries in the curative setting for same stage of disease, surgical consideration

• Philip Poortmans: Late aesthetic radiation toxicity

• Maria-João Cardoso: CINDERELLA approach compared to current available tools

• Gil Morgan: Tools to educate patients and doctors

Panel discussion: Maria-João Cardoso, Oreste Gentilini, Isabel Rubisio, Gil Morgan, Philip Poortmans, Orit Kaidar-Person”, Carina Dantes

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number 101057389